Thursday, April 23, 2015

Delicious rhubarb pie // fantastisk rabarberpaj recept // pay de rebarbara

Happy Thursday!

We want to share this fantastic rhubarb pie recipe, so easy to make and it goes fast!

Spring is arriving to many places around the globe, if you are lucky the rhubarb is just starting to grow leafs in your garden, ´maybe not ready to pick yet so I got these lovely rhubarbs in the grocery store.

This pie looks great and tastes delicious. What we like more is that you don't have to spend time making the classic pie dough, you just garnish the rhubarb on top!

Mix all dry ingredients

Mix the rhubarb with the icing sugar and the Maizena (or similar)

Add the melted butter and the whipped egg white to the dry ingredients mix

Put the mix o top of the rhubarb

Its ready when the pie is golden brown and the rhubarbs are soft!

Serve with vanilla sauce or ice cream, yummy!
Recipe for 4-6:
8 rhubarbs // rabarber / rebarbara
1,25 DL Sugar // socker // azucar
1,25 DL crude sugar // råsocker // azucar semirrefinado
2,5 DL flour // mjöl // harina
1 teaspoon baking soda // bakpulver // levadura en polvo
2 teaspoon vanilla sugar // vanliljsocker // azucar de vainilla
0,5 teaspoon salt // salt // sal
100 g melted butter //smält smör // mantequilla
1 egg white lightly whipped //lätt vispad äggvita // clara de huevo batida un poco
 Put in oven for 20-35 minutes in 180 C or 356 F

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